Setting Up Your Home Wi-Fi

Here are the steps to set up our most popular modems:

Technicolor TC4350/TC4400 Cable Modem with Deco Wi-Fi Pod

  1. Set up your cable modem and connect to the Deco Wi-Fi Pod with these steps in our TC4350/TC4400 Cable Modem Set-Up Guide.
  2. Follow the instructions that came with your Wi-Fi router to change your network name, password, and security settings.

CBN8000 Cable Modem with Deco Wi-Fi Pod

  1. Set up your cable modem, connected to a Wi-Fi router with these steps in our CBN8000 Cable Modem Set-Up Guide.
  2. Follow the instructions that came with your Wi-Fi router to change the network name, password, and security settings.

SmartRG 808 Cable Wi-Fi Modem

  1. Set up your modem and connect your device to your home network with these few steps in our SmartRG 808 Modem Set-Up Guide.
  2.  To change your home Wi-Fi network name and password, use our SmartRG 808 Wireless Network Instructions.

SmartRG 516 DSL Wi-Fi Modem

  1. Set up your modem and connect your device to your home network with these few steps in our SmartRG 516 Modem Set-Up Guide.
  2. To change your Wi-Fi network name and password use the steps in our SmartRG 516 Wireless Network Instructions

Click here for a complete list of Internet modems and set-up guides

Wi-Fi signal

Use this chart to understand the signal strength for each of your devices:

1. Excellent (> -50 dBm)

2. Good (-50 to -60 dBm)

3. Fair (-60 to -70 dBm)

4. Weak (< -70 dBm)